1·Quick change tapping chucks with adjustable friction clutch tap fixted with screws.
2·Adopt composite pneumatic friction clutch-brake with small noise, large clutching and braking torque, small braking Angle and long service life.
3·Compared with dry friction clutch, magnetorheological fluids clutch has little wear, small heat, long life, petty control current and easy controlled characteristic.
4·The friction force in the clutch works just like the blocks in the frication section of brake, except that the spring presses on the clutch plate instead of weight pressing the block into the ground.
5·With the pressure released, there is no friction at work in the clutch, and the power flow is therefore interrupted.
6·The amount of force the clutch can hold depends on the friction between the clutch plate and they flywheel, and how much force the spring puts on the pressure plate.
7·A clutch in which one part turns the other by the friction between them.
8·The engine's phenomenal power is delivered through a clutch that features an ultra-light operating plate with superb oil drainage and beefy friction plates.
9·The wear of friction wafers in main clutch features uneven radical distribution. In the operation of friction wafers, high local temperature and material softening are important reasons causing wear.
10·As the driver lets loose the clutch pedal, spring pressure increase on the clutch parts. Friction between the parts also increases.